The Emperor Portfolio Review

A week ago I took part in a portfoio review at The Emperor, a creative agency, in their Manchester studio.
 My group, consisting of E. and S. were preparing for this meeting, for the past week, when we finally settled on the date of the review with Mrs. O'Brien, the Creative Director of Emperors' Manchester studio.

Here is a summary of the good and improvement points from my review.

Good points:

+ A plus for including contact page, as the introduction to the portfolio (email, phone, website, blog)
+ A plus for presenting the works that make me proud
+ A plus for including the commissioned and self-initiated projects along with the briefs set by others
+ A plus for bringing in final outcomes (books and booklets)

Improvement points:

+ Need to think more about which pieces you present, don't overcrowd it with one project
+ Need to re-shoot some of the photographs to get a good light
+ Need to add some journey spreads (two pages of work from start to finish)
+ Need to add some more context, the person who views it should be able to get the need for the    project, particularly when without you being there to explain it
+ Need to start thinking more commercially about your work (will it sell?)


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