Alumi Night

 Last Tuesday I had the opportunity of taking part in the exciting event, the 3rd Alumni Night of Stockport Art School.
It included talks, advice, drinks and celebration for Stockport Art school students and alumni.
The event was attended by graduates from the BA (Honours) and HND design programmes from years gone by with current creative students and invited for the occassion associates.

  Stockport College has produced a number of art & design graduates. The ALUMNIGHT evening is a night of celebration and pride.  The night programme of Pecha Kucha presentations and informal talks covers the variety of work and practices from a range of alumni, who come from different design backgrounds.

This year there were four presentations from:
-Alicia & Meg, about their photography buisness;
-Stephen C. Nuthill, who talked about his work as a Senior Producer;
-Chris Madden, one of the most known illustration alumni;
-Damyon Garrity, who presented a phase one of his phone app, Time Tourist.

 Current Stockport Art School students had the chance to discuss their own work with alumni, gaining an insight into the realities of the art industry, as well as receiving the invaluable feedback from professionals.
 I myself also had a chance to talk about my work with the illustrator, Chris Madden. You can read more about this right here 🔼.
 There was also break out sessions where current students were able to discuss with alumni their own work and aspirations via informal exchanges of ideas.

It was a great event, that showed how many creative minds share the experience of Stockport College Art School.


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