Portfolio review - Chris Madden

Last month I have been able to attend the creative event celebrating the Art School of Stockport College. You can read more about this night right here 🔼. At the end of the evening, we had the opportunity to take part in portfolio reviews meetings. I had the chance to talk about my work with Chris Madden 🔼 , a Salford-based illustrator. Our talk started with a few questions that I wanted to ask him in regards to being a full-time illustrator but at the same time working from home while taking care of a family. Majority of freelancers work from home studios, where a family is a constant presence. Here are a few points from the first part of the review: - having an agent allows for more practical work time i.e. less admin work, less promo work and no need to find clients on their own; - make sure that you are showing yourself to others, email magazine directors, publishers and art galleries; - create a consistent portfolio, get multiple pdf. portfolios, ea...