Poetic Comeback

After many months of the pandemic work, I was able to catch a bit of a rest and sink myself into the task of writing poems. I appreciate each and every feedback that I receive in regards to my poetry. My style and repetitive themes are not to everyone's liking , but I enjoy the ability and a chance of noting down my thoughts in this way. Using the available moment I have decided to share my poems with a wider public, therefore I have submitted three of my poems to the newest isse of ArtAscent magazine. ArtAscent website ArtAscent is an opportunity for indie writers and artists to show their works to a vast number of readers. A submission to this popular magazine is considered as a milestone for the upcoming artists and a way of reaching higher level of feedback for those who are established in the field. Every two moths you have a chance at being published in the magazine via a themed call. Each theme is different and it depends on you, how you will respond to it....