
Showing posts from December, 2018

Recreating a vintage Chrstmas card

The original card source I wanted to make some prints by recreating a vintage Christmas card. The choice went to this card (above), as I enjoyed the minimal colour palette and the simplicity of it. Here are the images from the lino print process. As always, the inking and printing are the most fun parts of the process. I use water soluble printing paint, to ensure that I can clean the lino plate. A bit of 3D won't hurt

Santa Claus is coming to town

Monotype print It is officially December. That means that the shops can now play Christmas songs in between their aisles, our neighbours can decorate their houses and gardens with brithly coloured lights, christmas trees and air pumped figures of Santa and reindeers. I have also felt the Christmas cheer, despite the fact that though my family is largely consisted of Christians and Catholics, I don't follow any religion, thus I experience Christmas only through my family and friends. This year, I have decided to create some Christmas-ish cards and prints, starting with a Santa Claus lino print.  A lino print is a form of printing created by cutting into a plate called lino. Some of the plates can be very flexible and easy to cut, while others need to be slightly warmed up to properly complete the task.                                              ...