Exhibition at the LEAF

We had an amazing opportunity just these past few days to exhibit our work at the annual Degree Show Exhibition. Following the success of last year Seniors, our year was able to, through pop-up sales, Christmas cards and cookie sales, raise money and secure a place for the show at one of the local restaurants in Manchester, the LEAF on Portland Street. The preparations to the exhibition were wild and chaotic, but thankfully they went over rather quickly, allowing us for some peace before the preview night. I had to print the work, buy frames, put the work in frames, get mirror plates, fix them to the frame, transport everything (glad that the uni was able to hire a van for transport), unload everything and fix it to the show board. Never mind that I nearly fell off the ladder twice, haha. The preview night was a relaxing atmosphere, unfortunately I wasn't able to stay for long due to some other work that I was meant to do. My mom was available a...