Meeting the artists - Karina Manucharyan

During our trip to Kraków, Poland, we have met an Armenian illustrator who currently lives and works in Kraków, Karina Manucharyan. You can find her website right here . Although born and raised in Armenia, she finished her university in Moscow, Russia. She applied to be a designer, but she became enhanced by the illustrative part of the creative field. Though she admitted that it was hard to find a job in her field when she came back to Armenia, she was able to start a job at the Armenian Cosmopolitan, where she stayed for 3 years, during which she also created books, however, it turned stagnant, which prompted her to try new thing and experiment with her work and style. That's how she found herself enchanted with botanical illustration. Most of Karina Manucharyan's work comes from self-initiated projects and experimenting with various plants. She said that it's good when you have something to fall back on, like a day job, as it...